I LOVED the game, But then, Stronghold came into my life, and things spiraled out of control (the good kind), i was caught up in two, count them TWO games, i didnt think id find the time, but i had to get rid (of playing) one of them, so i stopped playing AoK:C. I used to be an AoK:C fanatic myself, playing non-stop untill it was school time, and then getting home and playing more. I'd really like to hear what people who have played both have to say about comparing the two, thanks in advance. So my question is if I pay the money to get access beyond the basic features in the demo, will I find that Crusader is a LOT different (and much better), or will I just find that Crusader is just AoE with architectural capability? From playing the demo, they both seem to have the same "feel" to them. What concerns me is buying Crusader and finding out that it isn't much different than Age of Empires. You can't get useful information without right-clicking every unit (they've never heard of tool-tips?). The unit icons are enormous so that sometimes you cannot select one because they are so cluttered. I really hated M:TW, the game is good in its conception but I can't remember when I've played a game with a user interface that was so flawed. I was reading another message board where Crusader was compared to Medieval: Total War I'm not sure why, they are very different types of games, but the post's author liked both of them. I've been playing the Demo for the last couple of days and I think it's pretty neat so far, so I'm considering buying it.